Daiichi Community Reconnects Through Food and Games

Community Story

July 25, 2022

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With more companies and their employees coming back to the office, we at Daiichi Properties and its property management arm, Daiichi Property Solutions, recently held “Let’s Reconnect: Fun, Munch & Play”, a fun-filled community activity to give the tenants of The Finance Centre, One Global Place, World Plaza, and One World Place, a chance to take a break and have some fun while in the office.

For each building, the activity included a pre-event Fun Day where the Daiichi team visited some tenants’ offices to inject a bit of fun into their work day through games, and a main event where tenants played games, won free snacks and refreshments, listened to live music, and enjoyed with their friends and colleagues.

During the main event, the pocket parks in front of The Finance Centre and World Plaza, and the parking floors of One Global Place and One World Place were transformed into a fun events venue complete with game booths, food carts, picnic tables and warm string lights to set the mood.

The pre-event Fun Day office visits were done last June 15, June 22, June 29 and July 6 for The Finance Centre, One Global Place, World Plaza and One World Place, respectively. The main Let’s Reconnect event was held on June 17, June 24, July 1 and July 8, in the same order for the buildings.

The Let’s Reconnect event is only the first activity for the Daiichi tenant community for the year. As part of our commitment to our clients, tenants and partners, we will continue to roll out a number of meaningful yet fun-filled community activities and happenings in the coming days.

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